Find your trip or travel credit
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Last name

  • Enter last name or names without special characters (-,/,etc. are not allowed)
  • If you have multiple last names, enter them the same as when you booked (spaces are OK, but leave off any hypens).
Last name is required

Confirmation code

Your confirmation code, is a 6-letter code included on your boarding pass and confirmation email.

Ticket number

Check your email for your 13-digit Trip Credit or ticket number that begins with '00115' or '0012'.

Enter the 6-letter confirmation code or 13-digit ticket number
Find your trip

When you book a trip on American, you’ll receive a unique 6-digit confirmation code made up of letters. It's also known as a record locator.

Example confirmation code: JCQNHD

You can find your confirmation code on your confirmation email or boarding pass. If you’re an AAdvantage® member, log in to your account and click 'Your trips' from the menu.

Use your confirmation code to manage your trip, check in for your flight, get your boarding pass and check bags or when making changes to your flight.